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Animal children... are spirits who live in the forest...

Basic Info

Name Yvig
Type Sapient, Spirits, Animal
Average height 140~ cm
Lifespan Immortal
Diet Omnivore
Native planet Earth
Habitat Deep woods
Subtypes 2
Creation date 2018




Extra info

Thre animal children wear an animal suit that maches a specific creature that fits with them. The suit does not have arms. Te hood of the suit has a face wich can sometimes shange pression, the animal suit cannot speak.

Their body is colored white and coverd in spotty patterns which is supposed to mimik their main habitat so that they wont be seen by predators.

Required traits

  • Antenna
  • Big eyes
  • Short legs
  • Short tail


Internal Biology

The body of animal children is actually a plant based vessel which houses their soul. It isn't really alive, but is animated by the soul which resides within. The vessel is reliant on the plant they were born from to get restored, as it cannot heal itself.

Life cycle

The forest spirit creates all animal children. Every moon night the forest spirit comes to pick a fully developed seed from the great tree, and then they combine the soul, and their magic within the seed which then gets planted in the garden. From the seed grows a giant plant which then blooms open a giant flower bud. From the flower bud comes the animal child. All animal children have a flower from which they are linked to, this flower shares the same color as their appearance.

Most animal children spend their time enjoying their time as a reborn spirit until they are satisfied enough to ascend to reincarnate into their next lives. Some might choose to stay longer, they can reach adulthood, but they age much slower than humans.

Diet and nutrition

Animal children do not need to eat, as all the nutrients their vessel needs is provided to them by their birth flower. The forest spirit did give them the ability to taste, chew and swallow food since a lot of the reborn spirits used to enjoy the sensation of eating. However, their vessels do not contain a digestive system, so their stomach just serves as pouches to contain the stuff they eat. In order to digest stuff, it happens when they go inside their flowers during the night to rest. When they sleep, the flower absorbs everything that was stored within their vessel's stomach, and it reuses the resources and nutrients to restore their vessel. This means that technically speaking they can eat more than just food, but they do have to be careful if they for some reason decide to eat unedible stuff. Because their plant vessels are still capable of being damaged by dangerous sustenances, so no eating poison!


Seashore Yvig

Seashore Yvig are the main and most common of the Yvig subtype. As the name suggests they mainly live at the coastal regions of their planet. Seachore Yvigs are very tolerantn against saltwater but they can also be seen in large in land bodies of water such as lakes or major rivers.

Subtype traits

  • Trait
  • Trait
  • Trait
Description of image

Seashore Yvig

Seashore Yvig are the main and most common of the Yvig subtype. As the name suggests they mainly live at the coastal regions of their planet. Seachore Yvigs are very tolerantn against saltwater but they can also be seen in large in land bodies of water such as lakes or major rivers.

Subtype traits

  • Trait
  • Trait
  • Trait
Description of image

Culture and society

Social structure

Not much is known about this

Language ans communication

The vocal cords of the Yvig is not very well developed compared to other species which is why tey use their antenna to communicate with each other. Their large eyes also help with nonverbal comunication.

Values and beliefs

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Fashion and Adornments

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Music, Dance, and Rituals

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Allies and Enemies

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Trade and Diplomacy

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Technology and Artifacts

Primitive or Advanced

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Energy Sources

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Tools and Machines

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Art and Architecture

Not much is known about this...

Enviroment and Habitat


The original planet that the Cymbros inhabited has been completely destroyed, all what remains of it are the chunks of floating island in the Ambrosian pocket dimention. The Ambrosia world consists of many floating islands, Cymbrose use their wings to glide from island to island. Some subtypes are better adapted to gliding than others.

Climate and geography

The ambrosian world doesnt exactly experience seasons, the climate of the locations depends entirely on which island you are located on.

History and Origins

Creation Myth

A long long time ago there was a mysterious cosmic being that fell onto a distant planet, it was said that it was the very first Cymbrose. It was greatly weakened by a mysterious enemy as it was slowly falling apart. The only thing that remained was its heart as it spewed tons of ichor from the core as it puddled into magic-filled oceans. From the fragments from the core came smaller similar beings that came up to the surface, they would be known as the very first cymbrose.

Key Events

Not much is known about this...

Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

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Heroes and Villains

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Species history
