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Azurians are a species of humanoid semi aquatic beings who live on the planet of Azumera.

Oh man... I just realised that i barely know anything about Azurian culture... I guess i didnt take enough time to develop them, maybe another time.

Basic Info

Name Azurians
Type Sapient, Alien, Magical, Humanoid, aquatic
Average height 150 - 170~ cm
Lifespan 300 years
Diet Pescitarian
Native planet Azumera
Habitat Islands, lakes, beaches, ocsean, aquatic caves
Subtypes 2
Creation date 2018


Physical Traits

The Azurians are a humanoid species, their skin is smooth and needs to stay hydrated, which is why they tend to live near large bodies of water. Azurians have large forearms and large lower legs (or whatever it's called) their limbs have fins at the outer side of their body. They have sharp fingers and toes. They have very large eyes, their pupils are small but become much bigger in the dark, they have excellent night vision. Azurian hair is thick and tends to grow quite long. Azurians have a tail with hidden fins within.

Internal Biology

Azurians have copper blood. Azurians have gills located under their armpits, just above their hips. Those gills are connected to their lower lungs, whish allows them to breathe both on land and underwater.


Life cycle

They are born, grow up and become adults.

Diet and nutrition

Azurians have a seafood heavy diet, they have razor sharp teeth which makes easy to eat raw fish or to break through shells. They might eat meat from terrestrial animals once in a while, but it's not very common. Azurians can also eat fruits and veggies, most Azurians don't like eating plants so it's also uncommon.


Azurians have been gifted different forms depending on which faction they belong to. These forms are known as the terrestrial, arial and aquatic forms.


The aquatic Azurian form is gifted to those on the side of Emilia, Deity of water and oceans. The Aquatic form is the heaviest form, but it is also the one which is best suited for the oceans. The Aquatic form has a great advantage over the other forms since 80% of the planet is covered in large oceans.

Subtype traits

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Culture and society

Social structure

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Language ans communication

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Values and beliefs

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Fashion and Adornments

Azurians love to wear jewelry and fancy clothing. The most important and influential Azurians have more access to high quality clothing. Since being in and around water is essential to them, their clothing are made out of material that is waterproof.

Music, Dance, and Rituals

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Allies and Enemies

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Trade and Diplomacy

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Technology and Artifacts

Primitive or Advanced

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Energy Sources

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Tools and Machines

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Art and Architecture

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History and Origins

Creation Myth


Key Events

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Wars and Conflicts

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Conflict Resolution

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Enviroment and Habitat



Climate and geography


Species history

Character Profiles

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