Species Directory



  • About section
  • Basic information
  • Behavior


  • Anatomy
  • Internal biology
  • Life cycle
  • Diet


  • Worker
  • Queen


  • Species abilities
  • About overdrive
  • Meditation


  • Species abilities
  • About overdrive
  • Meditation


Beanyuns are a very peaceful race of tiny humanoid beings. The entire species only inhabit one forest in the entire world, as a result this forest has become a protected ecosystem but also a popular tourist attraction. This species are very small and come in green most of the time, but some can be a very light pastel pink due to piebaldism. The species are very weak physically, running a distance as little as 10 meters can cause them to collapse from exhaustion, which is why they tend not to leave their village. In their home village they love to meditate, carve things, drink tea and taking warm baths. Their species are born from seeds created by a tree.

Species Basic Info

Name Beanyuns
Nicknames Content
Type Sapient, plant
Average height 80~ cm
Lifespan 800 - 1200 years
Diet Herbivore
Native planet N/A
Habitat Snowy thundura forest
Subtypes N/A
Creation date 16/10/2024



Extra info

The body of a honeysuckle mantis is tiny and spherical, with four legs and three toes on each. Their limbs resemble mantises', but they feature pinchers on the bottom of their claws that let them grasp objects. There are little lumps on the underside of the underarm which provide extra grip on larger items or when climbing on complex surfaces. They can smell their surroundings thanks to a pair of antennas on their head. Their rear side has a yellow abdomen.

Required traits

  • Green fur
  • Horisontal pupil
  • long round ears
  • tail
  • light underbelly

Internal Biology

There are organs inside.

Life cycle

Beanyuns are all born from a giant tree, the origins of this tree are unknown but it has been within their sanctuary for a long time and it is the only one of its kind.

Diet and nutrition

Beanyuns are herbivores and only eat plant matter.


Subtype info


The average honeysuckle mantis

Subtype traits

  • Green eyes
  • Trait
  • Trait
Description of image


I dont know man...

Subtype traits

  • Green eyes
  • Trait
  • Trait
Description of image



Honeysuckle mantis hair is the same as natural hair colors in humans, their hair can be styled in any way they want.

Image 1

Trait name

Category title

Information about this category of species

Culture and society

Social structure

Not much is known about this

Language ans communication

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Values and beliefs

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Fashion and Adornments

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Music, Dance, and Rituals

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Allies and Enemies

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Trade and Diplomacy

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Enviroment and Habitat



Climate and geography

Technology and Artifacts

Tools and Machines

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Art and Architecture

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History and Origins

Creation Myth

Theyre bugs i dont know what to tell you

Key Events

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Interactions with Other Species

Allies and Enemies

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Technology Level

Primitive or Advanced

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Energy Sources

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Art and Aesthetics

Fashion and Adornments

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Music, Dance, and Rituals

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Conflict and Resolution

Wars and Conflicts

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Conflict Resolution

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Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

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Heroes and Villains

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Species history
