
Ambrosia World Species


The Birdfolk are a species of bipedal avian like aliens, the Birdfolk have large and varied societies, each with its own history and elemental magic type. In addition to ruling their homeworld, Birdfolk have developed technology that enables them to travel to other dimensions and worlds. Because of this international mobility, many people who are not native to a country may be viewed as explorers in other realms.

A very broad species of humanoid aliens with feathers. Birdfolk where once a flightles species devoid of magic until some magical artifacts that came from seemingly nowhere known as the Ulementals granted them magic and gave the birdfolk their humanoid appearance combined with elemental magic. With all this newfou,d magic they began expanding their civilisation and now they have muiltiple kingoms across their realm.

Species Basic Info

Name Unknown
Nicknames Birdfolk, Ambrosians
Type Sapient
Average height Unknown
Lifespan Unknown
Diet Omnivore
Native planet Unknown
Habitat Unknown
Subtypes Unknown
Creation date 2021


Physical Traits


Internal Biology

Life cycle

Diet and nutrition




These little creatures are the ancestors of the birdfolk species. They are frequently kept as pets because almost everyone finds them adorable, and as a result, they may be found in practically every realm inside the ambrosia dimensions. Since they frequently gather near people who are distressed and in need of consolation, some people think they can sense people's emotions. They are excellent companions for people who are dealing with chronic stress because of this alone. They seem to arrive out of nowhere and remain in places where there is hope. You can tell a location is decolete and in utter ruin when the minivi are completely absent. They are able to sense the overall atmosphere of a They can sence the general vibe of a place with the feather on their head to know where they need to go.

Subtype traits

  • very tiny!
  • random shape/pattern on body
  • shaped head feather.
Description of image


Crudly named Primitiva, the Birdfolk's original form before they assumed their humanoid shape, had no arms and extremely limited magic. Primitiva are individuals who were already content with their life and did not accept the magic of the Ulementals. Regardless of their different lifestyles and cultures, the Primitiva can be transformed into Birdfolk if they successfully complete the Ulemental trials; if they choose to do so, they can become extremely strong! And stronger than the typical Birdfolk, but it takes a lot of patience and endurance. Similarly, Birdfolk who lose their powers can return to their Primitiva form. This causes great terror among Birdfolk, who highly value their magical abilities and as a result they suround themselves around magical articafactes and beings all the time to always be in the presence of magic.

Subtype traits

  • hair
  • tail
  • no arms
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The proud and advanced birdfolk enjoy their magic immensely; there are several elemental magic wielders who have banded together and subsequently founded their own kingdoms, each of which believes they are superior to the others. The birdfolk are constantly looking for new ways to use their magic, innovating and developing new technologies to incorporate more magic into their societies. They developed ambrosia gateways to find other dimensions and even more magic to improve not just their societies but also their own abilities as well.

Subtype traits

  • Trait
  • Trait
  • Trait
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Category title

Information about this category of species

Image 1

Trait name

Category title

Information about this category of species

Enviroment and Habitat


The original planet of Aqualiaq is currently unknown.

Climate and geography

Not much is known about this...

Culture and society

Social structure

Every Birdfolk setlements has main kingdoms where each has a dominant magic type, usubsequentlylly those magic types are based of off elements like earth, wind, fire, water and others. Each kingdom has a monarchy which is composed of a lineage of very powerfull magic users, these magic users are supposed to be guardians of their respective kingdom in case of a war or an, invasion from another world. THe royalty tend to have extravagantly styled feathers as to have increased charisma to charm other people during timezs of diplomacy. Theese powerful elementals follow extensive training which they start at a very young age and they have to keep a facade at all times in order to keep a perfect reputation since they tend to be the face of their kingdom.

Language ans communication

Birdfolc comunicate vocaly.

Values and beliefs

Not much is known about this...

Fashion and Adornments

The birdfolk dont need to wear clothing, they do wear accesories once in a while. Most preffer to style their feathers to choww off or to show their rank and power within their society. Some add coloring pigments to their feathers to look more impressive.

Music, Dance, and Rituals

Not much is known about this...

Allies and Enemies

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Trade and Diplomacy

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Wars and Conflicts

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Conflict Resolution

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Technology and Artifacts

Primitive or Advanced

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Energy Sources

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Tools and Machines

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Art and Architecture

Not much is known about this...

History and Origins

Creation Myth

Birdfolk where once a flightles species devoid of magic until some magical artifacts that came from seemingly nowhere known as the Ulementals granted them magic and gave the birdfolk their humanoid appearance combined with elemental magic. With all this newfou,d magic they began expanding their civilisation and now they have muiltiple kingoms across their realm.

Key Events

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Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

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Heroes and Villains

Not much is known about this...

Species history
