
Nova System

Species Basic Info

Name Crystalian
Nicknames Crystal beings, Nova beings, Crystal Novians
Type Sapient
Average height 180~ cm
Lifespan A very long time
Diet Mineral
Native planet Crysalism
Habitat Nova System
Subtypes Unknown
Creation date 2017

Enviroment and Habitat


Crystalians live on planet Crysalism which is one of the three "habitable" planets of their solar system. The planet is located within the habitable zone, it has one moon, rings and is in a binary orbit with Sterrela planet. Crysalism is a minaral rich planet where most of the terain is composed of various crystals. This makes it that the planet looks like a giant glowing opal if viewed from space.

Climate and geography

In the past the planet used to have a diverse amount of climates, but with the destruction of Sterrela the planet has been plagued by a permanent ice age. The unstable orbit has also caused Crysalism to experince frequent dust storem and earth quakes wich has made life very hard for its inhabitants


Physical Traits

Not much is known about this yet

Life cycle

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Diet and nutrition

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Culture and scociety

Scocial structure

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Language ans communication

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Values and beliefs

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Technology and Artifacts

Tools and Machines

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Art and Architecture

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History and Origins

Creation Myth

Crystalians where a species created by the novians. Unlike the novians who where entiraly made out of Novanium, Each individual Crystalian is made up of of one or more elements infused with a bit of Novanium to make them alive. Crystalians became the second most common entety after Novians. They were appointed the role of looking after whatever thing that exist on the planets they inhabit which is why Crystalians preffer to not leave whatever planet they are at a given time. Unfortunatly when the Great Novian war struck nearly all Crystalians in the universe where destroyed, all exept for the ones that still resided near the main Novian system. After the Nova core had been splitted the Crystalians continued to live with close contact to the Starlings who still continued to protezct them from the Vacuumians until their dissapearance.

Key Events

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Interactions with Other Species

Allies and Enemies

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Trade and Diplomacy

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Technology Level

Primitive or Advanced

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Energy Sources

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Art and Aesthetics

Fashion and Adornments

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Music, Dance, and Rituals

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Conflict and Resolution

Wars and Conflicts

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Conflict Resolution

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Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

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Heroes and Villains

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Species history
