Dessert Slugs

Lucid dream Species


Dessert slugs are slugs that are made of desserts!

Species Basic Info

Name Dessert Slugs
Nicknames Uhh
Type Snail
Average height Varied
Lifespan Unknown
Diet Desserts
Native planet N/A
Habitat Candy Kingdom
Subtypes 3
Creation date 2020


Physical Traits

Dessert slugs have a large body and short legs, their legs are short and never longer than their torso. Their feet have three toes, they have long arms, The majority of sessert slgs mave no fingers but some of them can have them. Dessert slugs are the same height as the desserts they are modeled after, though some can grow significantly larger if they consume a lot of food. Because their legs are too little to support their large bodies, they will struggle with gravity if they are taller than four meters.

Internal Biology

Desert slugs have no bones but i dont know if they have internal organs or not...

Life cycle


Diet and nutrition

Dessert slugs can and only like eating sweetrs and desserts. They dont like salty foods so much... Most slugs preffer eating their own food type but some might like eating other desserts if they are gluttonus enough.


Imagi slugs

Imagi slugs are dessert slugs who are made completely from imagination without the use of reference photos. This is generaly NOT important, i simply made this subtype so that i can compare designs made from imagination and designs made with reference.

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Photo slugs

Photo slugd are those who have been designerd after photo reference, they sometimes come with the image in their reference sheets.

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Snaily slugs

Snaily slugs are snail variants of the species. I dont know if i should have them be a subtype or if its better presented as a trait but for now its gonna be here.

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Legendairy slugs

A rare powerful type that is only created during special events and holidays. They have magical abilities and can be a lot bigger than the average dessert slug.

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Honeysuckle mantis hair is the same as natural hair colors in humans, their hair can be styled in any way they want.


Not much is known about this...

Civilisation and habitat

Enviroment and Habitat


Dessert slugs come from a place called the Candy Kingdom. Its a land completely made out of candy.

Climate and geography

The ambrosian world doesnt exactly experience seasons, the climate of the locations depends entirely on which island you are located on.

Culture and scociety

Scocial structure

Not much is known about this

Language ans communication

Not much is known about this...

Values and beliefs

Not much is known about this...

History and Origins

Creation Myth

Every Dessert slug are made within a giant dessert factory. Made by an unknown baker.

Key Events

Not much is known about this...

Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

Not much is known about this...

Heroes and Villains

Not much is known about this...

Species history
