Lepidian Guardian

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Lepidian Guardians are a humanoid alien species capable of shapeshifting due to their slime composition. They are among the most resilient creatures in the universe, capable of surviving in some of the most hostile environments. They are quite popular in many civilizations due to their pleasant temperament and great endurance, making them excellent companions. Nobody knows where their home world is since all guardians have decided to keep it a secret from outsiders.

Species Basic Info

Name Lepidian Guardian
Nicknames Guardians
Type Sapient
Average height 200~ cm
Lifespan Immortal
Diet Omnivore
Native planet Unknown
Habitat Anywhere
Subtypes 6
Creation date 2016




Guardians are completely made of slime. That slime is very densly consentrated which allows them to shapeshift into forms bigger than they normally appear. This is also what gives them super strength. The outer black layer of skin they have is a very resilient membrane that protected guardians from extreme temperatures. All guardians have a network of crystals that are called the power crystals. They serve as a "core" that houses the part that makes them counsious. A severed guardian limb that has a power crystal can turn into a mini guardian.

power crystals

Power crystals are the brains of the guardians. These power cores are connected to a very thin crystal network within their bodies that rearrange themselves when a guardian shapeshifts.

Required traits

  • Diamond shaped eyes
  • Power crystals

Extra info





Internal Biology

Lepidian guardians have internal bodly function which are entirely superficial in nature, by that i mean that they can choose to dismantle them at any time they want and they can live without them.

Life cycle

The great guardian on their home world is the one who creates all guardians. Juvenile guardians are tiny and far weaker than their adult counterparts, and they hatch from eggs. Similar to caterpillars, the juvenile guardian at this stage tries to consume food that is as high in energy as possible. Upon reaching their limit, they enter a cave where they undergo a 20-year metamorphosis. Upon completion, the guardian emerges from the cocoon as a fully grown adult guardian.

Diet and nutrition

Guardians can eat litteraly anything. There is no limit, well exept for things like molten rock of cource...


There are currently six recognized varieties of Lepidian Guardians. Each variety is designed to fulfill a specific purpose, thus some may be more suited to particular jobs than others.

Blue Guardian

Blue guardians are the most common subtype you may encounter. They are often reffered to as the explorer guardian. Blue guardians enjoy traveling through space in search of new planets to discover. They are the most trusting and devoted subtype of guardian, and they like interacting with all types of species.

Subtype traits

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Green Guardian

Green guardians are the second most prevalent guardians. Green guardians stand significantly taller than blue guardians in their neutral form. They are better at conducting electricity than other kinds and have a strong interest in electronics and technology. They can also store massive amounts of electric power within themselves. Green guardians are known as mechanic guardians. They are commonly found working as mechanics in a variety of civilizations.

Subtype traits

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Yellow Guardian

Yellow guardians are uncommon, and for good reason: they are the most aggressive subtype. They have a generally grumpy demeanor, they need to do dayly activities to spend off exes energy or else they will become very irritable and then might start destroying things. Despite being the shortest subtype, they're the strongest one. Yellow guardians are regarded as the fighter subtype because that is one of their specialties; they are also excellent at terraforming terrain due to their strength.

Subtype traits

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Orange Guardian

Orange guardians are extremely rare on the surface but fairly common in bodies of water, as they are an aquatic subtype. Even though they may survive on land, they prefer to stay underwater unless there is an important reason to leave. Orange guardians are very curious and enjoy hoarding large collections in their caverns. An orange guardians individual arms are weaker compared to other subtypes, and they have the fewest power crystals, making them the weakest of all guardian subtypes. Despite this, they are extremely adept at discovering and organising specific materials, which is why they are known as the cleaner guardians.

Subtype traits

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Pink Guardian

The pink guardian is the quickest of the guardians, with a running speed of up to 350 kilometers per hour. Their palms have exposed slime instead of a power crystal, allowing them to use their hands to halt in a moment. Pink guardians are very energetic and enjoy seeking out exciting and interesting events; they do not stay in one place for too long and travel to many locations in a single day; this allows them to know a lot of information, which they share when necessary, which is why they are known as the messenger guardians. In comparison to other subjects, they have less power crystals, making them slightly weaker. But even so, they are the fastest subtype. Pink guardians are sometimes referred to as "the female guardians" even though the entire species are genderless.

Subtype traits

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Purple Guardian

Purple guardians are a newly discovered subtype. Like the pink guardians, they are focused about speed, but unlike them, they can fly. The main reason it took so long to discover them is that they frequently take on the appearance of spaceships to carry vast amounts of goods, which is why they are now known as transporter guardians. Purple guardians are bad in socialising, but they are great at following commands, which is why they prioritize their work over social interaction.

Subtype traits

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Great Guardian

Great guardian, mother of all guardians lives within their homeworld but has never been seen by anyone exept for the guardians themselves of course.

Subtype traits

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Enviroment and Habitat


The original planet that the Cymbros inhabited has been completely destroyed, all what remains of it are the chunks of floating island in the Ambrosian pocket dimention. The Ambrosia world consists of many floating islands, Cymbrose use their wings to glide from island to island. Some subtypes are better adapted to gliding than others.

Climate and geography

The ambrosian world doesnt exactly experience seasons, the climate of the locations depends entirely on which island you are located on.

Culture and society

Social structure

Not much is known about this

Language and communication

Guardians communicate with each other by emiting very high frequency sounds in a language somewhat similar to morse code. These frequencies are so high that no one can hear them, however there are some machines that have been created in order to pick these up. Guardians can also communicate vocally although their vocal cords are very strange whish makes them difficult to understand. Guardians who live close with other sivilised beings can learn to shape their vocals to be better adapted at communication.

Values and beliefs

All guardians have been sent to space with one purpose, and that is to protect and preserve everything they find. They often acomplich this by becoming the protector of ecosystem or to come in aid to sertain civilisations to help expand their teritories.

Fashion and Adornments

Many Guardians view their outer "skin" as a suit which protects their slime interior which is why many guardians choose not to wear clothing or accesories. The exeption to this is that Guardians who live in a society with other civilised individuals might start wearing clothing and accesories that are given to them. In some cases they might even add items in in their slime or paint their exterior shell. Generally speaking guardians who belong to a sertain civilisation wil all start to take a specific appearance.

Music, Dance, and Rituals

Guardians have no known specific way of expressing themselves. They usually copy the artistic expression of the organisms who live around them.

Allies and Enemies

Guardians have a lot of allies thanks to their freindly nature and their genneral usefullnes, they dend to have a positive influence on civilisation

Guardians have no known enemies as waging wars against them is completely pointless due to the sheer number of them that exist in the entire universe. Guardians dont really mind this so they ussually leave those who dislike them alone. Guardians will only attack if the thing they are protecting is in danger or if they have been provoced in a really bad way.

Trade and Diplomacy

Not much is known about this...

Technology and Artifacts

Tools and Machines

Not much is known about this...

Art and Architecture

Not much is known about this...

History and Origins

Creation Myth

The very first Lepidian Guardian was an entity created by an unknown civilisation. Its core was launched through space where it drifted until it colided on the moon of a planet.

Key Events

Not much is known about this...

Interactions with Other Species

Technology Level

Primitive or Advanced

Not much is known about this...

Energy Sources

Not much is known about this...

Art and Aesthetics

Conflict and Resolution

Wars and Conflicts

Not much is known about this...

Conflict Resolution

Not much is known about this...

Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

Not much is known about this...

Heroes and Villains

Not much is known about this...

Species history

Lepidian guardians where originally made in 2016. Back then they were actually man made robots that could shapeshift with the use of slime. A single guardian could split into four smaller guardians=. Eventually i didnt really do much with them because back then i dint really like one eyed characters.

That was until in 2017 when i was conceptualising Lizzie's universe with my sister i decided to bring them back since their colors were similar to pulsar stars. They became machines that were built by the star beings. Wandering aimlessly on the remains of the star planet together with the tentacils, which also used to be robots back then. I dont lnow when it happend but i eventualy decided to retcon the idea that they are robots, instead they are organic beings, i did the same with the tentacils.

When i made the Cores i decided that the guardians are a hivemind like species, that were made by a giant being called The Great Guardian.