Culture and society
Social structure
Guardians have a social structure similar to ants since they are essencially a hivemind. Every guardian is a "worker" who has to furful the tasks they where made for. Each subtype has a different tasks. Guardians tend to serve others and usually avoid places of leadership unless they where orderd to. Each guardian colony has a mini great guardian which they follow orders from. Those mini great guardians are often affiliated to the nerby siviliation they inhabit so even the guardian leaders have leaders of their own. All guardians are collectivle serving under the rule of the mother guardin which is located on their homeworld. Even though guardians can become allies with litteraly anyone, they can break that relationship if the ones they serve go against some fundamental orders of the mother guardian, for example on,e of these is commiting mass genoside or wars will make guardians leave.
Civilised guardians are less hivemind like and are more likely to folllow their own path. The only way to make guardians disobay the orders of the mother guardian is by completely rewritig their power crystals
Language and communication
Guardians communicate with each other by emiting very high frequency sounds in a language somewhat similar to morse code. These frequencies are so high that no one can hear them, however there are some machines that have been created in order to pick these up. Guardians can also communicate vocally although their vocal cords are very strange whish makes them difficult to understand. Guardians who live close with other sivilised beings can learn to shape their vocals to be better adapted at communication.
Values and beliefs
All guardians have been sent to space with one purpose, and that is to protect and preserve everything they find. They often acomplich this by becoming the protector of ecosystem or to come in aid to sertain civilisations to help expand their teritories.
Fashion and Adornments
Many Guardians view their outer "skin" as a suit which protects their slime interior which is why many guardians choose not to wear clothing or accesories. The exeption to this is that Guardians who live in a society with other civilised individuals might start wearing clothing and accesories that are given to them. In some cases they might even add items in in their slime or paint their exterior shell. Generally speaking guardians who belong to a sertain civilisation wil all start to take a specific appearance.
Music, Dance, and Rituals
Guardians have no known specific way of expressing themselves. They usually copy the artistic expression of the organisms who live around them.
Allies and Enemies
Guardians have a lot of allies thanks to their freindly nature and their genneral usefullnes, they dend to have a positive influence on civilisation
Guardians have no known enemies as waging wars against them is completely pointless due to the sheer number of them that exist in the entire universe. Guardians dont really mind this so they ussually leave those who dislike them alone. Guardians will only attack if the thing they are protecting is in danger or if they have been provoced in a really bad way.
Trade and Diplomacy
Not much is known about this...