Species Directory




  • About section
  • Basic information
  • Behavior



  • Anatomy
  • Internal biology
  • Life cycle
  • Diet



  • Species abilities


Image representing the species

What are Novalites?

A Species of scentient beings with powerfull cores, each of them have some kind of purpose, a purpose which they have forgotten after the have lost contact with the ones who created them. Novalites where created with the ability to survive the very harsh enviroment of space.


Novalites dont really have any sort of species behavior which can be generalised. THey can be very curious but the way they handle curiosity and the things they do with what they learned depends from each individual.

Species Basic Info

Name Novalites
Type Sapient, Alien, Core, Humanoid
Average height Varied
Lifespan Unknown
Diet Omnivore
Native planet N/A
Habitat N/A
Subtypes N/A
Creation date 2024


Physical Traits

Novalites are shapeshifters and can take any form they want. The form in the image below is one known as the civilian form. It is a form they take when they need to interact with civilisations. They have a basic androgunous humanoid bodyplan, five or four fingers idk and also two toes. It is not known exactly why all Novalite's civilian form looks like that but it is believed that this default form was given to them by whoever created them.


Physical external traits

Internal Biology


Life cycle

Diet and nutrition


Image showing each member of an existing subtype


CODENAME: Voidzero

Core abilities

Description of image


CODENAME: Voidpositive

Core abilities

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CORE_03 is capable of shifting the temperature of matter.


Core abilities

Description of image


CODENAME: Firework

CORE_04 is a core capable of absorbing kinetic energy, this means that any shock from blunt force or explosions get absorbed by the core in the form of energy which it stores. Accumulated energy can be released but if it is done by untrained staff the energy will be released all at once which can result in a fiery explosion. The potential of this core should be explored further, luckly CORE_04 is quite easy to manipulate and efforts have been made to use it to create shock resistant tech. Unfortunatly CORE_04 and the related technelogies were lost after the destruction of the facility.

With the succes of the devices which were operating with the help of CORE_04 it most likely survived, unfortunatly nothing has been found.

Core abilities

Description of image


CODENAME: Sunshine

CORE_05 was capable of emiting bright lights which was found to have positive effects on people, maybe even healing propreties! Unfortunatly CORE_05 was lost after the destruction of the facility.

There has been reports of a very famous individual who has a stiking resemblance to the Novalite beloning to CORE_05. No actions have been taken in fear of potentially causing a major public outcry.

Core abilities

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CORE_07 is a core that passivley radiates large ammounts of radiation into its suroundings not only is it in possible lethal abounts but during rechearch it has been noted that the radiation it emits has unusual propreties. Instead of sisplacing attoms and destroying DNA it muutates the DNA. This could have interesting implications but unfortunatly no more rechearch could have been done on CORE_07 due to the destruction of the facility and the loss of material.

There has been reports of highly radioactive activity in urban areas, most of these have been dismissed as being equpment error due to the unusual readings of these treports, but after examining the rusults of these reports it appears thet the readings , while unusual are all cosnistent.

Core abilities

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CORE_08 has the ability to displace matter by transfering large amount of energy through it. For example, 1. It can produce a sonic boom by displacing a large number of air molecules in a region. 2. It can propel a single object at the speed of light by supercharging it with powerful energy. 3. The ability to transmit enough energy into a planet to cause an earthquake so strong that its surface is ripped to shreds.This is arguably one of the the most destructive abilities of this core. Although CORE_08 and 09 have been compared for having similarly volatile and dangerous energy levels, 08 is dependant on the presence of phisical matter to use its abilities making it unsuitable in the vacuum of space. Unfortunatly CORE_08 was lost after the destruction of the facility.

There has been reports of selestial objects that have sufferd major damage from bizzare earthquakes that are imposible to occur naturally. It is thought that CORE_08 could be behind these.

Core abilities

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CORE_09 is notorious for being one of the most challenging cores to master. Its potential to generate nearly limitless amounts of energy made it appear too good to be true for unlimited clean energy, but it is just too powerful and volatile to be used in any significant way. Every attempt to harvest its power resulted in considerable damage to the equipment when it reached critical state. Scientists were on the verge of abandoning CORE_09 until the Novalite project proved successful. The Novalite had been researched and tested to determine its capabilities; it was able to harness energy from its core without issue. Scientists decided to restart their research into energy harvesting; but, due to an unforeseen error, the facility was destroyed by an energy explosion, and all the cores were lost nin space. It is thought that something happened to CORE_09, although no evidence has been uncovered.

Sightings of the Novalite CORE_09 have been reported but no one has had iny luck in catching it as it is just to fast and powerfull to get a hold of it.

Core abilities

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CORE_10 was capable of opening wormholes which had amazing potential, but the scientists were unable to determine how to choose the wormholes' destinations because they were always random, making it too risky and unpredictable to be used for reliable space travel. Although the core was occasionally used for brief journeys, some of the locations were simply dangerous. The CORE_10 Novalite was found to be able to recall the wormholes' dimensional mapping, which allowed it to select the wormhole's destination if it had previously been visited. Unfortunatly CORE_10 was lost after the destruction of the fecility.


Core abilities

Description of image

History and Origins


Novalite are a scentient vessel conected to a core. The Novalite project was created to have more control over certain cores that seemed imposible to tame. The idea to connect these cores to scentient beings came from the myth of similar beings known as the Novians.

Key Events

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Interactions with Other Species

Allies and Enemies

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Trade and Diplomacy

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Art and Aesthetics

Fashion and Adornments

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Conflict and Resolution

Wars and Conflicts

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Conflict Resolution

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Species history
