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The Yvig are a very short species, they have a very high pitched voice...

Basic Info

Name Yvig
Type Sapient
Average height 140~ cm
Lifespan Unknown
Diet Pescitarian
Native planet Unknown
Habitat Wetlands
Subtypes 2
Creation date 2019




Yvigs have short legs, long arms, and a very lengthy torso. Their eyes are enormous and quite expressive. Their vocal cords are not designed for speech the way ours is, and are instead primarily used for distance communication, particularly underwater. As a result, they use their large antenna to communicate with one another they are also used for sensing their suroundings. It is unpleasant to hear their high-pitched voices.The Yvig's eyes are extremely adept at seeing in low light and underwater, but this also makes them somewhat more sensitive to light.

Their body is colored white and coverd in spotty patterns which is supposed to mimik their main habitat so that they wont be seen by predators.

Required traits

  • Antenna
  • Big eyes
  • Short legs
  • Short tail

Extra info













Internal Biology

Yvig have green blood, the color is due to a special algae that they eat, the species has somehow been able to evolve a symbiotic relationship in which they are able to engage in photosynthesis.

Life cycle

They are born from eggs

Diet and nutrition

Yvig mainly eat plants, fruit, algae and seafood.


Seashore Yvig

Seashore Yvig are the main and most common of the Yvig subtype. As the name suggests they mainly live at the coastal regions of their planet. Seachore Yvigs are very tolerantn against saltwater but they can also be seen in large in land bodies of water such as lakes or major rivers.

Subtype traits

  • Trait
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  • Trait
Description of image

Mountain Yvig

have addapted this black coloration due to the ashes from a nearby volcanoe which erupts quite regularly. Mountain Yvig are more adapted to the colder climates of the mountainous region and they have evolved to be more efficiency with oxygen consumption with the higher altitudes.

Subtype traits

  • Trait
  • Trait
  • Trait
Description of image

Culture and society

Social structure

Not much is known about this

Language ans communication

The vocal cords of the Yvig is not very well developed compared to other species which is why tey use their antenna to communicate with each other. Their large eyes also help with nonverbal comunication.

Values and beliefs

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Fashion and Adornments

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Music, Dance, and Rituals

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Allies and Enemies

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Trade and Diplomacy

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Technology and Artifacts

Primitive or Advanced

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Energy Sources

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Tools and Machines

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Art and Architecture

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Enviroment and Habitat


The original planet that the Cymbros inhabited has been completely destroyed, all what remains of it are the chunks of floating island in the Ambrosian pocket dimention. The Ambrosia world consists of many floating islands, Cymbrose use their wings to glide from island to island. Some subtypes are better adapted to gliding than others.

Climate and geography

The ambrosian world doesnt exactly experience seasons, the climate of the locations depends entirely on which island you are located on.

History and Origins

Creation Myth

A long long time ago there was a mysterious cosmic being that fell onto a distant planet, it was said that it was the very first Cymbrose. It was greatly weakened by a mysterious enemy as it was slowly falling apart. The only thing that remained was its heart as it spewed tons of ichor from the core as it puddled into magic-filled oceans. From the fragments from the core came smaller similar beings that came up to the surface, they would be known as the very first cymbrose.

Key Events

Not much is known about this...

Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

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Heroes and Villains

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Species history
