I love writing about my dreams and i wanted to store them in one place. I also want to turn some of them into visual media.
Dates are dd/mm/yyy
Pipeline city
The tragic story of the childeren forced to slave away as industrial workers.
Industrial pound in Capital city
A bunch of lower class creatures are forced to live within a pound poluted with industrial waste. Feeling frustrated from this injustice, they invade the city in search of a better life.
Lazy dogs & kitchen mess
There are muiltiple stories but the main one is very weird.
Trouble theif
An evil mosquito has stolen a bresious heirloom from an elderly donkey. His grandson and his freind decided to pair up to go against this theif to return the stolen object.
Post sol era
The sun had been destroyed by aliens and now everyone suffers the consequences.
Glodirus the fallen
Glodirus used to be among the four elemental deities but was cast away after they could no longer tolerate his egotistical behavior. He was punished and cursed to be reborn as a mortal until he would learn his lesson.
Abandoned spaceship
A strange kid finds himself inside an abndoned facility, what mysteries lies outside of this place?
Mater welon
Todd and his freind found watermelon thatt is NOT edible, of course Todd thinks otherwise...
Litterature Comic09/02/2021
Lost in other world
A group of strange individuals find themselves trapped in an abandoned dimention in a state of decay.
Other side
Todd goes exploring with two new freainds, but when one of them was in dire need of help, he would soon discover the true nature of someone he thought to be an ally.
February 2018
Pocket monsters
A familiar green dino had come to show its awesome pocket monsters, but there is a kid out there who will do anthing he can to get them...
LitteratureOther years
Title 1
X Month 20XX
This is a paragraph describing the content of the first box.
Title 1
X Month 20XX
This is a paragraph describing the content of the first box.
Title 2
This is a paragraph describing the content of the second box.
Title 3
This is a paragraph describing the content of the third box.