Species directory


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Lizard thing

Some creature... I dont know

Type: Amphibian

Diet: Herbivore

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2018

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Leaf thing

A plant based creature that uses gas to lift itself up in the air.

Type: N/A

Diet: Photosynthesys, nectar

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2018

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Small rodent creature

Type: N/A

Diet: Omnivore

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2018

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A species of rodents, they are popular as pets.

Type: Rodent

Diet: Herbivore

Location: N/A

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2018

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Cute bug like creatures, they can emit light.

Type: Insect

Diet: Herbivore

Location: N/A

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: N/A

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Fluffy rodent like creature, they are very popular as pets.

Type: Rodent

Diet: Herbivore

Location: N/A

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: N/A

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Fluffy rodent like creature, they live in the forests.

Type: Rodent

Diet: Herbivore

Location: N/A

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: N/A

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Spiky creature, they live in the forests.

Type: Rodent

Diet: Herbivore

Location: N/A

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: N/A

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A cuddly species of freindly creatures

Type: Bear

Diet: Omnivore

Location: Heart Kingdom

World: Lucie's Adventure

Creation date: N/A

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Heart deer

A cuddly species of freindly creatures

Type: N/A

Diet: Herbivore

Location: Heart Kingdom

World: Lucie's Adventure

Creation date: 2016

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A cuddly species of freindly creatures

Type: N/A

Diet: Omnivore

Location: N/A

World: Lucie's Adventure

Creation date: 2016

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strange thing

I dont even know what this is supposed to be

Type: N/A

Diet: Omnivore

Location: N/A

World: Lucie's Adventure

Creation date: N/A

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Long tailed creature

Type: N/A

Diet: Omnivore

Location: N/A

World: Lucie's Adventure

Creation date: N/A

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spiked nempfula

Turtle thing

Type: N/A

Diet: Omnivore

Location: N/A

World: Lucie's Adventure

Creation date: N/A

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Thes elisive ancharming creature is thought to be related to the Vispurwulf.

Type: Creature, Alien

Diet: Omnivore

Location: N/A

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2019

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This creature is the same size of a large dog, is a very vicious predator. The thing that makes this creature different from your usual predator is that they're extremely intelligent and trick their prey in many ways that can be considered cruel before they consume them. It is a common belief that they are evil, but some argue that this behavior is likely because they are very bored... Or whatever they like to say nowadays... They have opposable dexterous thumbs, and they use this ability to weave all kinds of nests for their habitat, or trinkets to distract prey.

Type: Creature, Alien

Diet: Carnivore

Location: N/A

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2019

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A large feline creature with quite a long neck.

Type: Feline, Alien

Diet: Carnivore

Location: N/A

World: N/A

Creation date: 22/03/2020

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The colalien is a small fluffy creature, it has very sharp claws which it uses to climb trees. The Colalien are aware of their cuteness and use it to distract passerby so that they can then steal their food without them noticing.

Type: N/A

Diet: Omnivore

Location: Crysalism

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2018

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The colilira is a very tall species somewhat related to the colalien. The colilira has very long legs and it has strong arms which it uses not only for foraging for food through the trees but also for self defence. The colilira is usualy a non hostile species and would only attack if threathend.

Type: N/A

Diet: Omnivore

Location: Crysalism

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2018

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Raindaliens are the main deer species of Elementia, they are intelligent beings and each oof them posseses unique magical abilities. Raindailiens heve a hive like herding ritual where the main raindalien is a lot bigger and more powerfull than the rest. those powerfull raindaliens are often refferd to as a queen raindalien. Queen raindaliens verry often have a symbol to represent themselves often reffered to as a crest.

Raindaliens have muiltiple subtypes with their own kingdoims.

Type: Deer, magical

Diet: Omnivore

Location: Crysalism

World: Lucie's Adventure, Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2017

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Another variant of the Raindalien species.

Type: Deer, magical

Diet: Omnivore

Location: Crysalism

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2017

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A very fast creature that hops throughout the Crysalism feilds.

Type: Alien

Diet: Omnivore

Location: Crysalism

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2017

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With a massive wingspan of about four meters, the birdwolf is a tremendously huge predator. Because of its size, people may get unfortunate and be caught as food. It hunts by unexpectedly seizing its prey and flying away with it to its nest. Many cultures value the wolfbird, particularly because of its golden eyes and crest feather, which give people the impression that the animal may be divine entities. Some even go as far as beliving that any soul unfortunate enough to be taken away by them was some sort of divine interention and that those people where meant to be removed from this world. It is generaly frowned upon to hunt these creatures.

Type: Bird

Diet: Carnivore

Planet: Crysalism

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2017

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Miana Bivi

A small adorable bird like creature, its a popular domestic animal known for its doft pretty feathers and its freindly temperament.

Type: Bird

Diet: Omnivore

Planet: Azumera

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2021

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Mindvark Bivi

The Mindvark bivi is a tall slende bird known for its gorgeous red feathers. They are quite territorial and their talons are no joke so its best to keep your distance from them. But they are quick to warm up to you if you pring some food to them.

Type: Bird

Diet: Omnivore

Planet: Azumera

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2021

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Monarch Bivi

The monarch bivi is a species thought to be blessed by the deity Emilia herself, as it is the same species as the companion of the Azurian king. The monarch bivi is very intelligent, and it can understand any language if given enough time. The monarch bivi is also a very loyal companion and can get very aggressive if their owners are threatened. The monarch bivi has a special venom, which the effects vary depending on the creature's intention. The poison is capable of paralysis or in the worst cases it can be fatal.

Unfortunatly after the assasination of the Azurian king the blame was put on his companion which was executed, the species has then been hunted down near extintion.

Type: Lizard

Diet: Omnivore

Planet: Azumera

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2018

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Cloura Bivi

The Cloura Bivi is a very friendly and sociable creature that is loved for its docile temperament. They are herding species and like to travel in large groups. They don't mind other species within their group they are very curious and like to look and observe new things that are unfamiliar to them, they also love singing. The Cloura Bivi have no natural predators, their large size and herds make it intimidating for predators to attack them. When they feel threatened they will yell very loud to annoy the threat. If they were to be under attack they can punch attackers with their thick tails, or they can crush them with their body weight.

The cloura Bivi are loved by the population of Azumera, their fur serves as a great insulateor but even beyond that they can be amazing companions.

Type: Alien

Diet: Omnivore

Planet: Azumera

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2019

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Lucie dream species

These are species from dreams i had, some of them are gonna have really weird lore and/or biology because of that.

Lizard thing

An alien species of bio engineerd lizards. They where originaly creted to conduct various biogenetic experiments and with their semi translucent skin it is a lot easyer to see their internal organs. After the main lab that housed them got contaminated by an extremely poisonus dust, all of the scientist ran away and the lab was completely abandoned leaving them the ability to roam free. Their almopst gelatinous like skin made it easy for them to absorb the crystal dust which is not poisonous to them but one magor side effect of the dust is that it made them incredibly hostile and some have aven been physycally mutating from it.

Type: Alien, Amphibian

Diet: Anything

Location: Abandoned exo-planet

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 2024

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Creatures the size of a big dog. They are very social and enjoy being around others of their own kind, they are easy to befreind and theyt make great pets. Smprphians love wearing accesories, they always have an favorite piece of clothing or accesory that they always wear.

Type: Alien

Diet: Omnivore

Location: N/A

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 2024

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Orange Odd slime dog

The odd dog is a vicious slime creature which resembles a dog. DO NOT BE FOOLED!!! The odd dog might look freindly and exited when approaching you but it is only because they want to eat you whole. They suffocate their prey and absorb their vital energy until there's nothing left.

Strangely enough the odd dog's slime is edible, eating orange odd dog slime gives you all of the vital energy thet was stored within it which can make you extra strong or more resistant against poisons and diseases.

Type: Slime

Diet: Living creatures

Location: N/A

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 2022

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Green Odd slime dog

The green odd dog is a toxic variant of the odd dog species, just like the orange odd dog, it runs towards in prey and swallows it whole. They use their poison to wither down their prey before consuming them. Eating green odd dog slime can give you a boost similar to an adrenaline rush, but the poison will progressively destroy your internal organs, killing you slowly but surely.

Type: Slime

Diet: Living creatures

Location: N/A

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 2022

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Corrupted Odd slime dog

The corrupted odd dog is the most dangerous variant of the slime odd dog species, but thankfully it is quite rare to encounter one. Just like the other odd slime dogs it will sometimes eat its pray to absorb its vital energy. But unlike the other other odd slime dogs, the corrupted slime odd dog will try merging itself with those who are foolish enough to eat its slime. While the corrupted odd slime dog is full of bowerfull magic, it is also extremely poisonous and eating it will instantly kill you. If you sowehow manage to survive The corrupted odd dog you ate will take complete control your body to use it as its own.

To free people of the corrupted odd dog, one needs to absorb its slime with an artifact that can absorb its magic. When one is cured of the corrupted slime odd dog's possession, they will be capable of harnessing its powerful magic, but to most it isn't worth the trouble of almost dying or getting possessed to get it.

Type: Slime

Diet: Living creatures

Location: N/A

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 2022

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Fluffy thing

small herbivorous creatures who like to drink nectar, and to snack on tree roots. Their fur mimiks the apearance of a purple plant that grows in their natural habitat. They often hide amongst those plants and are able to stay stil for hours. They ise their very long necks to reach for food or to llok around their suroundings. They are able to run very, very quiqly. If they get starteld they are nearly imposible to catch.

Type: Alien, small

Diet: Omnivore

Location: Forests

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 13/1/2022

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Fluffy thing

Medium sized arbroreal alien creatures. They stay on the tree bark thanks to teir strong grip. Their bodies are coverd in fur, their coat becomes bigger in winter seasons. their jaw are into three pieces and they have lots of teeth whish they use in order to shew through tree bark to find bugs and small creatures to eat.

Type: Alien, small

Diet: Omnivore

Location: Forests

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 13/1/2022

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Dangerous thing

This creature is the apedx predator of its homeworld and is extreely teritorial. They are very fast and outruning it is nearly imposible. it is capable of hi-unting down creatures twice it size. They are very inteligent and can sometimes outsmart its prey in unexpected ways. Very few who have encounterd this creature have survived.

Type: Alien, Apex predator

Diet: Carnivore

Location: Forests

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 13/1/2022

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Tiny creture

Type: Alien, small

Diet: Omnivore

Location: N/A

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 8/11/2021

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Don't even know if they belong on this list... but the Bunbos are a species of rabbit like species who live all around the ambrosia world islands. They are mostly seen on the largest island of the ambrosia realm. The Bunbose have the mental capacity of a 3 year old and thus can be a bit of a nuisance, especially since they are a bit invasive at times. Out of all species in the ambrosia world, they are the ones who keep falling to the void more than anyone else in the ream. And since falling into the void can reset your memory, this is also one of the main reason they NEVER learn from their mistakes.

Type: Rabbit, Ambrosian

Species order: Fabulosa species

Diet: Omnivore

Location: Azumera

World: Lizzie's Universe

Creation date: 2021

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Very small creature roughly trhze size of a ferret, they are very fiesty creatures who act a lot bigger than their atual size, its a miracle they havent gone extinct with such a behavior...

Type: alien, small creatures

Diet: Flowers, insects

Location: Flower fields, forests

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: December 2020

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These creatures live in praries and feed by eating flowers and insects.

Type: alien

Diet: Flowers, Nectar, insects

Location: Flower fields, forests

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 2020

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Because of their ravenous appetite, munch monsters will try to consume anything. They can choose whether to have a mouth or a single eye on their face. Although they cannot speak, they are capable of understanding human speech, and if fed, they are easy to make friends with. Munched monsters are poor creatures who have been cursed to become what they are. They have a 12-month lifespan and will get very sick in the final two months of their lives. After they pass away, they will change into elephant-like beings who have no recollection of their former selves and will continue to live for an additional six years. If they consume the bean of life before dying in their first life, they will gain immortality. Obtaining a bean of life is extremely difficult because it grows on a very tall tree with a bark covered with thorns.

Type: Cursed, monster

Diet: Litteraly anything

Location: N/A

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 2019

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Aquara wolves

A species of mystical wolves who live in underwater kingdoms. The aquara wolves can come in many colors, some have horns, some have wings and some have none. IRTs very rare for them to have both horns and wings.

Type: Wolf, aquatic, magical

Diet: Pescatarian

Location: Any body of water

World: Lucie's Adventure

Creation date: 2018

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These Ferocius giant birds are predators who are as great as flying as they are at runnung, outrinning them is very difficult. Thankfuly they are tamable and offering them food is enough to make them freindly towards you. Their claws are very sharp and their jaws have enough strengt to break bones. When tamed they are great and loyal companions. Despite their huge size they are somehow able to fly high in the skies, although they do need to be standing on high places before they are able to trke off. they stand at two meters tall with a wingspan of over six meters.

Type: Bird, Predator

Diet: Carnivore

Location: High altitude locations

World: Lucie's Adventure

Creation date: 2017

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Page in progress

Work work work in p-p-p-progress

Honeysuckle mantis

Honeysuckle mantis are small insect like creatures who live in a hive and colect nectar.

Type: Alien, small, insect

Diet: Nectar, bugs

Location: N/A

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 15/11/2021

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Lunafie are small semi organic robots created to help as extra labor for boulding things or to aid in fighting battles.

Type: Alien, robot, hivemind

Diet: Omnivore

Location: N/A

World: Lucid dream

Creation date: 4/11/2021

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Species name

Some creature... I dont know

Type: Text

Diet: Text

Location: Text

World: Text

Creation date: Text

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Page complete species

These are species from dreams I had, some of them are gonna have really weird lore and/or biology because of that.

Species name

Some creature... I dont know

Type: Text

Diet: Text

Location: Text

World: Text

Creation date: Text

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