Species Directory




  • About section
  • Basic information
  • Behavior



  • Anatomy
  • Internal biology
  • Life cycle
  • Diet



  • Green Tentacil
  • Purple Tentacil
  • White Tentacil


Who are the Tentacils?

Tentacils have been one of the earliest species to have been discovered by Lepidian Guardians, it is believed that it is thanks tho this fact that Tentacils have managed to become such an advanced and successful civilization. The interspecies bond between Tentacils and guardians are so strong that some might even believe that they come from the same planet! Anywhere where a Tentacil goes, there will always be guardians around.

Tentacils love collecting items and user these to improve their everyday lives, which is why they took off to space to find more recourses and places to be inspired by. This has made them become a common species across the universe. Their love for collecting items also made it easy for them to get along nice amongst the Lublishimo merchants.

Species Basic Info

Name Tentacil
Type Sapient, Alien, Semi aquatic
Average height 150~ cm
Lifespan Unknown
Diet Omnivore
Native planet Unknown
Habitat Anywhere
Subtypes 3
Creation date 2017




Extra info

Tentacils have
- no bones
- four tentacles on their head
- sharp teeth
- square iris

Required traits

  • tentacles


Internal Biology

There are organs inside


Life cycle

They are born, grow up and become adults.

Diet and nutrition

Tentacils are omnivores. They love eating seafood and sometimes they like to add fruits and veggies in their meals.


There are three distinctive race of tentacils, each have a different approach to how they generaly opperate in life and as a scosiety.

Forest Tentacil

Forest Tentacils also known as the green tentacils are those who inhabit the temperate climates of the planet. Green tentacils mostly focus on the fun parts of life, they love partying and always look for new trends to make things fun. Green tentacils love facion and always look for new ways to create the most unique and fun clothing. They travel all over the universe to look for inspiration from other cultures for more interesting clothes. As a result they are well known to be the best trading partners to the Lublishimos, a species well known for trading.

Subtype traits

  • Trait
  • Trait
  • Trait
Description of image

Tropical Tentacil

Tropical tentacils also known as the purple Tentacils anre those who inhabit the equatoirial and tropical regions of the planet. Purple Tentacils are well known for being warriors, they tend to have a focus on defrence and attack, they have perfected the art of battle clothing. Purple tentacils always look for newx ways to invent more practical and adapted clothing different eviroments.

Subtype traits

  • Trait
  • Trait
  • Trait
Description of image

Artic Tentacil

Artic tentacils also known as the white Tenctacils are those who live in the artic regions of the planet. The white tentacils are thze most reclusive race of tentacils and unlike the other tencacils they dont like outsiders. Because of this no one knows what exactly happends there.

One thing that is known is that they have a ruler who rules with an iron fist. Another thing known is that they have a historyt of creating extensive mining operations to dig up rare metals and minerals.

Subtype traits

  • Trait
  • Trait
  • Trait
Description of image


Tentacles amount

Tentacils normally have four tentacles by default, in very very rare cases a tentacil may have more or lesslimbs on their head than usual.

One tentacle

Image 1

The Tentacil has only one tentacle on their head.

Two tentacles

Image 1

The tentacil has two tentacles on their head.

Three tentacles

Image 1

The tentacil has three tentacles on their head.

Four tentacles

Image 1

The Tentacil has four tentacles on their head, this is the standard amount for all Tentacils.

Five tentacles

Image 1

The Tentacil has five tentacles on their head.

Six tentacles

Image 1

The Tentacil has six tentacles on their head.


Image 1

The iris has a metalic color and the pupil no longer visible.

Tentacil varieties

Tentacils have masterd different tech that have allowed theum to modify sertain aspects of their phisiology to give them more advanced traits.


Planet Name

Lorem ipsum i dont know


  • Artic
  • Temperate
  • Tropical
Alien planet

Climate and geography

The ambrosian world doesnt exactly experience seasons, the climate of the locations depends entirely on which island you are located on.

Culture and society

Scocial structure

Not much is known about this

Language ans communication

Not much is known about this...

Values and beliefs

Not much is known about this...

Fashion and Adornments

Not much is known about this...

Music, Dance, and Rituals

Not much is known about this...

Allies and Enemies

Not much is known about this...

Trade and Diplomacy

Not much is known about this...

Technology and Artifacts

Primitive or Advanced

Not much is known about this...

Energy Sources

Not much is known about this...

Tools and Machines

Not much is known about this...

Art and Architecture

Not much is known about this...

History and Origins

Creation Myth

The event had greatly weakened the ambrosian core, the cymbrose tried to sacrifice some of their magic to restore the core but they soon discovered that this practice was not going to be sustainable. With nothing left for them in their new unstable home, they started to create a huge network of portals to explore different dimensions in hopes of being able to find magical artifacts that could replenish their cores in hopes of fixing their new homeworld.

Key Events

Not much is known about this...

Art and Aesthetics

Conflict and Resolution

Wars and Conflicts

Not much is known about this...

Conflict Resolution

Not much is known about this...

Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

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Heroes and Villains

Not much is known about this...

Species history
