Hi there! This site is getting a major overhaul to allow better organisation of the information on the pages.
Welcome to the species directory! This place was made to store species from my headworld and from muiltiple projects i have created over the years.
Worldbuilding, speculative biology and character design are some of my main interests which is why i have so many species...
By the way, this is Byte the guardian and he'll be your guide!
Hi there! This site is getting a major overhaul to allow better organisation of the information on the pages.
This is an ultra work in progress, unfortunatly i unintentionally made it imposible to tell how completed a page is or if here even is a page linked so uh.. yeah
The main species who resides within the Ambrosia World and the many other dimentions conected to it.
This list is temporary!!! I might move these links in the future.
This is fror species which i dont consider to be alien enough to be featured in the aliens list or in lizzie's universe. The species here are more like humans with extra traits.
This list is temporary!!! I might move these links in the future.
These are species from dreams i had, some of them are gonna have really weird lore and/or biology because of that.
Specis that arent really a part of any speciefic world/story
don't pay attention to all this stuff here...